What to expect – good and bad – for your zodiac sign in May 2022
Prepare to watch as your life shifts before your eyes! May could be one of the most intense—and meaningful—months for you in 2022. As the planets shift, eclipses roar and we start to experience more planetary retrogrades, you’ll be feeling like you’re stepping into the center of a cyclone!
Follow me for daily insight or read 2022 predictions for your zodiac sign or your 2022 love life and relationship horoscopes now! Don’t forget to check out your monthly horoscope by me, too!
We are in the eye of the storm of eclipse season
Destiny has arrived! Eclipse season is the period of the year when we experience solar and lunar eclipses—intense moments that ancient people used to see as foreboding periods in time. Spiritually and astrologically, we see eclipses as extremely important because monumental beginnings, endings and turning points all happen within our lives. The solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30, 2022 will blast a doorway open to you, offering new beginnings and exciting adventures. May 15, 2022 will be a lunar eclipse in Scorpio—which will signal a dramatic, emotional and intense ending for you to face. Pay attention to your intuition and any synchronicities that take place. Technically we are in eclipse season until June 15, 2022, so buckle up!
Mercury retrograde madness

Mercury retrograde again?! Yes, it’s true. The dreaded Mercury retrograde phase will officially begin on May 10, 2022 and last until June 3, 2022. However, at the onset of May, you’ll already be feeling the slowdown of life, projects and plans. The greatest confusion will take place during the actual retrograde, but we’ll still be sorting details out until June 18, 2022. Don’t sign contracts, make promises, start a relationship or launch any new endeavor. In the mood for some ex drama? Well, then sure, you can hollaback, gurl.
It’s time to get fired up
Let’s get ready to rumble! Many planets will move into Aries, the zodiac sign of the leader, this month. Venus, the planet of love, will bring passion and spice to our relationships from May 2 until May 28, 2022, while Mars, the planet of sex, will bring courage and lust to our lives from May 24 until July 5, 2022.Even more importantly, Jupiter, the planet of luck, will ignite our desires and confidence when it dances into Aries, too, from May 10 until October 28, 2022! Strike out into new territory to create the life of your dreams!
It’s Taurus season
Let’s blossom! Taurus season is the second season of the zodiac year and the true embodiment of spring in the northern hemisphere. During this period of the year, we focus on how we can build toward our greatest plans, hopes and dreams by using practicality, stamina and common sense. This is also a magnificent time to focus on our sensual and romantic desires, while enjoying the abundance of life! Treat yourself and live in the moment.

Your ultimate guide to May 2022’s astroweather
- May 2, 2022: Venus links with Pluto today, bringing intense passion to our lives. We’ll be craving companionship and intimacy on every level! Later on, Venus shakes off the emo vibes to dance into Aries, bringing us the courage to pursue our heart’s desires.
- May 3, 2022: Today is a big day for success! As Jupiter, ruling wealth, and Pluto, representing transformation, smile at one another in the sky, there is a huge opportunity that will come before us that can lead us to tremendous success. Plan important meetings, launch projects and aim high now!
- May 4, 2022: Beginning today, Jupiter will begin to slow down in the seas of Pisces. This is called a pre-shadow phase. Mars also high fives Uranus today, bringing you a deep need for excitement, adventure and spontaneity. Get kinky with the boo in the bedroom, yes please!
- May 5, 2022: As the Sun unites with Uranus today, you’ll be eager for freedom and ready to break out of the cage! This will likely bring exciting events, but do your best to not be too impulsive, as you could regret it if you’re not thinking carefully.
- May 6, 2022: Hi, yes, hello! Mercury and Venus are swapping secrets today, putting you in the perf mood for romance, pleasure and relaxation. It’s a Friday, so clock outta work early and go have fun with those who you adore.
- May 7, 2022: Beginning today, Uranus, the planet of rebellion, will begin to slow down in Taurus. This is the onset of his pre-shadow phase. Oh, and the Sun is pals with Mars today, bringing you confidence, sex appeal and passion. Use this for personal or professional energy: take your pick!
- May 10, 2022: Awwww crap. Mercury retrograde in Gemini has begun, bb. In the weeks ahead, no signing contracts or launching endeavors. They’ll end up not working out how you’d like. Ready to hear from an ex? Also very likely in the weeks ahead. On a different note, Jupiter soars into Aries starting today until October 28, 2022 bringing you luck when you put yourself out there to create the life of your dreams. Don’t sit in the shadows! Show the world your firepower.

- May 15, 2022: A mighty lunar eclipse in Scorpio arrives today, bringing intense emotional energy for you to face. A significant ending, turning point, achievement or culmination may now be at hand within days of this eclipse. The Sun is also clashing with Saturn, meaning that you’ll likely feel the weight of the world or face opposition to your goals. Luckily, the Sun and Neptune, the planet of compassion, are chillaxing together, so if you need help or can step up to help someone else, things should work in your favor. Spread the love.
- May 18, 2022: Roar! With Mars, ruling passion, uniting with Neptune, ruling soulmates, this is an extremely important time for love, sex and connection! This energy can also increase your psychic ability or give you the fuel to fully commit to tackling your hopes, dreams and goals. Aim for the stars! (It’s also my birthday, so give me some love!)
- May 19, 2022: As the Sun and Pluto work in tandem, you will feel ambitious and focused on achieving whatever you put your mind toward. You have greater control in your life and over other people today. Mercury, the planet of communication, will also smile at Jupiter, bringing optimism, luck and fortune. Focus on a relationship or a project from the past that you want to bring some sparkle to.
- May 20, 2022: Gemini season has arrived! In the month to come, let’s get social and speak our minds!
- May 21, 2022: We are officially halfway through Mercury retrograde as our planet of communication unites with the Sun. Expect clarity, visions and a calm amidst the storm.
- May 22, 2022: Mercury retrograde slips back into Taurus today. Expect the things you were working on at the end of April to need some revisions. Mars chats with Pluto today, too, bringing you immense power to transform your life as you wish. This energy can be infused into personal or professional goals. The sky is the limit!
- May 23, 2022: Today is one of the luckiest days of the year as the Sun links with Jupiter, bringing breakthroughs, fortune, happiness and blessings. Plan ahead to use this energy toward your goals. Mercury also kisses Mars, ensuring that you’ll have an agile, focused and cunning mind.

- May 24, 2022: Mars becomes ignited as soon as he enters Aries to remain until July 5, 2022! Prepare to get fired up to pursue what makes you happiest! Venus also dances with Saturn today making it a good day to focus on building your relationships, business or finances.
- May 25, 2022: Mercury and Pluto are in cahoots, so you’ll have a penetrating mind and be able to persuade anyone of nearly anything. Use your words well.
- May 27, 2022: Uh oh! Venus and Pluto are not agreeing today, bringing distance, jealousy or power struggles into our relationships. Yuck! Let this trash vibe pass.
- May 28, 2022: Venus is shaking off the hate to embrace the love! She enters Taurus today until June 22, 2022, bringing more sensuality, creativity and prosperity to our lives.
- May 29, 2022: Whoa there! With Mars and Jupiter uniting in the sky, prepare for nearly limitless energy, confidence and sex appeal to overcome you! On one hand, you can use this to get exactly what you want—but don’t let this make you into a cocky dickbag.
- May 30, 2022: The new moon in Gemini arrives, opening a doorway for you to communicate in new ways and explore new horizons! This energy echoes into the onset of June! Enjoy!
You’re welcome. Be sure to check back for our monthly horoscope, too!

Predictions from my BFF and world-renowned psychic Calise Simone:
May begins with a delightful, playful energy. Harness this power and get things done! You might feel like these good times will last forever, but beware: change is approaching. By the 15th, a disruptive tide could bring unfinished business to a halt. Develop a routine, stick to it and take time to reflect after the 20th. Good luck is strongest on the 3rd and the 18th.
When it comes to relationships, the Spirit Animal deck lends a stable energy with the presence of the Buffalo. This grounded, yet highly spiritual animal helps us see challenges within relationships as opportunities for positive change. Its connection to Mother Earth activates our first chakra, rooting us in a feeling of deep trust and connecting us to the pure essence of our deepest bonds. This is a glass-half-full type of spirit, turning hardship into blessings in disguise. The Buffalo’s greatest gift to us in May is perhaps the realization that relationships are mirrors—and when we approach them with a serene attitude, we are truly open to learning from them. Life itself is pure bliss, and deep and honest connections are the vehicle that take us there.
Astrology 101: Your guide to the stars
Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured in “Access Hollywood,” E! Entertainment, NBC & ABC television, Cosmopolitan magazine, Hulu, Bustle, Elite Daily, Marie Claire and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. Visit KyleThomasAstrology.com for more information.